Name: Carolina Gonzalez
Country: Chile
I started to drink noni for my arthritis. I've been drinking it now for three and a half months and the truth is although my arthritis hasn't improved my spirits and my energy level have increased substantially.
Name: Natalia Céspedes
Country: Chile
I've suffered from bipolar disorder for the past seven years. I've tried four different treatments, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, etc., but with all of the treatments I've had relapses. Then they gave me noni and I thought it was one more natural product that I've been given that did not work, but since the first day I noticed tremendous improvement. I've been taking noni now for one month and have had no episodes, something unheard of as before I had episodes at least once or twice a week. I strongly recommend noni.
Name: Cameilia Rodriguez
Country: Estados Unidos
Even though I am young I have been taking the medications pseudophrine and loratadine for more than five years to treat different kinds of allergies. Additionally I had sharp pains at the waist and sciatic nerve, frequent strong headaches, lack of energy throughout the day, irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. I have been drinking noni juice now for about a month and no longer need the drugs I mentioned above, the sciatic pains and headaches have diminished by 75%, my blood pressure has stabilized, and I have more energy than ever before. Noni has been a blessing for me and I strongly recommend it.
Name: Lazaruz Garcia Rios
Country: italia
I am a 60 year old man, my suffering began two years ago when one morning I found that my knee was swollen. When I went to the doctor he told me he could only give me pain medication and that I should try to limit the strain I put on that knee. Even worse, a month later the other knee also had swollen and the doctor operated on it. The cramps in my left knee disappeared, but continued in the right knee. I then started drinking noni juice and I can tell you with certainty that this fruit works, almost immediately. I am very happy and I was able to return to work; the knee no longer bothers me and the swelling has gone away.
Name: Josephina C
Country: St. Lucia, Caribbean
I started using noni and so far I am satisfied. I feel a lot lighter, energized. Just great. At first I couldn't bear the taste but now it is the best thing I have ever tasted. Normally every month close to my menstrual period I would be suffering, my period is due in two days and no pain yet. God has definitely sent me my cure.
Name: Luis Lopez
Country: Venezuela
I went to the doctor and I found I had high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. Drinking noni juice daily is helping me.
Name: Genaro Armas
Country: Mexico
I am taking natural noni- I was growing noni without realizing it- a plant somehow sprouted in my yard. I prepare the fruit to improve the flavor. I feel good, before I was overweight and now I am dropping clothing sizes.
Name: Cristian Farias
Country: Chile
A year ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease with diarrhea and blood loss, stomach pains, decreased energy, bone aches, and weight-loss, in short such a large number of problems that I was taken to the hospital in serious condition and I spent three months there. I was tired of feeling so poorly all the time. One day when I was very sick in the intensive care unit my father brought me noni juice to take. The next day the pains were gone and I had more energy. I began to get better and in 15 days I was able to leave the hospital. I was taking 30-60ml of noni everyday in the mornings and in the afternoon. I liked the taste and I started to believe that I was getting better. My depression improved and I was able to sleep again, whereas before I was never able to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time because the pain bothered me so much. Now its been a year since I've had a relapse in my condition and I take noni juice everyday...I recommend it.
Name: Jesus Martinez
Country: Venezuela
I come from a family of doctors with a variety of specializations. I have the problem of high cholesterol levels which are attributed to emotional reasons (in the liver). I have tried using expensive medications which have had harmful side effects on my body including pains, especially in the legs. But, since I have started drinking a small glass of noni juice before breakfast in the morning I feel like a 20-year old and the cholesterol levels in my blood have corrected themselves.
Name: Aurelio Quintana
Country: France, Lion
I was feeling very tired and my sexual energy was low, I was very sad about the situation; but since I began to take noni juice my life has turned around 180 degrees. I recovered my vitality and my wife is especially grateful.
Name: Lucedelys Valerio
Country: Venezuela
A month ago I started using noni for my colon problems, and I am not sure if it is psychological, but I am noticing a big improvement. In the past I could hardly eat anything and today I can even eat corn cakes. I feel great and I assume it is due to the noni.
Name: Maria Salas
Country: Peru
I am grateful because noni juice is really helping with my acne problem. I am drinking noni and am very happy with the results; my mother also. Its incredible, I take it in the morning before breakfast and before lunch, in a smoothie. Thank you.
Name: Richard Nuñes
Country: Uruguay
I used to feel tired all the time and my sexual energy had decreased. I felt depressed about my condition, but then I started to drink noni juice and my life experienced a 180 degree change. I recovered my vitality, with energy as if I were a teenager. My wife and I are very thankful.
Name: Hector Diaz
Country: Venezuela
I have known about noni for many years; in my house I have several plants with fruit that I share with my family and friends that are believers in the health benefits of the noni fruit. Noni has helped me feel better including helping my prostate glands. Whenever I have a medical exam I am assured that they are in excellent health.
Name: Luz Zapata
Country: Venezuela
My husband drinks noni juice, and ever since the first day he started drinking it, he looks better and more energetic.
Name: Enimer Rodriguez
Country: Venezuela
I am singer and must look good for my performances, but sometimes I did not feel well because I was constipated and my abdomen felt heavy. I also was overweight and slimming treatments did not work for me. For a month now I have been taking noni in the mornings and I feel great. I am able to go to the bathroom in the mornings and I have lost weight.
Name: Mario Rodriguez
Country: Guatemala
I have been suffering from arthritic pains for many years, having to take medicines every day which in turn caused unwanted side effects, until my daughter gave me a bottle of NONI juice as a gift. After 2 months I am feeling much better, this is why I recommend Noni.
Name: Elena Sira
Country: Panama
I suffered from pains in my legs due to poor circulation and varicose veins. I have been drinking noni for three months and the pain and heaviness in my legs have disappeared. I am very happy and I recommend noni to those who also suffer from poor circulation. You will not regret it.
After drinking noni for quite some time it has motivated me to write my thesis about its benefits due its excellent medicinal properties. Many people are still unaware of the benefits of this fruit. I recommend noni in order to enjoy excellent health.
Name: Rob Branch
Country: USA
I hurt my back in May of 1992 while exercising in the military and had been living with often unbearable pain for the last 13 years of my life. I started drinking Noni Juice in Jan of this year (2006) and my back pain has gone from a 10 (1-10 and 10 being the worst pain) to a 3 and now after only 3 months I can go outside now and throw a football back and forth with my son with absolutely no pain.
Name: Monica Venturini
Country: Venezuela
I am a faithful believer in the benefits of noni, without doubt noni completely changed my menstrual cycles. Previously the cramps I suffered were unbearable, my cycle was irregular, in short everything was a disaster until I discovered noni and everything changed. Now my period comes in normal cycles, and the best part is that they no longer are painful and the flow is normal. Really, try it, if you can't buy the bottled juice buy the fruit. It truly is extraordinary. The taste is not agreeable, but it is bearable, besides what does the taste matter when it delivers such good results, don't you think?
Name: Susana de Jimenez
Country: Venezuela
Six years ago they found cancer in my breasts. I was operated on twice in a single month, they removed nodes from my left underarm, I recieved chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and today I am cured first, thanks to God, and also thanks to noni, which has helped me in many respects. I was given noni a year and a half ago and I continue to drink it. I want to share my experience with you so that you fight and never give up, use whatever resource you have to continue living because life is beautiful and nature wise. Noni's bad taste is meaningless because when you drink it it cures you and tastes of life.
Name: Xiomara Moreno
Country: Venezuela
I drink noni and it has helped me with my menstrual cramps.
Name: Norma Chávez
Country: México
I would like to share what noni has done for my family. My father is 65 years old, and for a long time he has suffered from hemorrhoids. He has tried many treatments to improve his condition, but nothing has worked. He did not want surgery, but had begun to feel that he had no other option when he heard about noni. He started to drink noni about a year ago and today is completely healthy. It really works.
Name: Ysolina Rodriguez
Country: Venezuela
A year ago I was suffering from gastritis and an intestinal ulcer. I went to the gastroenterologist and was given treatment, but it didn't work. Two months ago I started to drink noni juice with pineapple before breakfast and I feel much better, and even have lost weight. I feel better and my personal appearance has noticeably improved.
Name: Marjorie Vega
Country: Costa Rica
My life changed six months ago when I started to drink noni juice. I suffered from nerves, shoulder and back pain, menstrual cramps, and high blood pressure (150/100). Since I have started drinking noni my blood pressure is good (120/80) and my daily fatigue has virtually disappeared. Now I give noni to my children (ages 10, 8, and 4) and now they rarely get the flu and have more energy.
Name: Jennifer Pascual
Country: España
I am 26 years old and for the past 8 years I have been trying to cure my acne, but have only ended up with very sensitive skin and acne that will not go away. I read a pamphlet about noni, it interested me, so I decided to give it a try. I was so tired of medication that irritated my skin. Little by little I am noticing an improvement in my skin when faced with sun, wind, heating, when before it was terrible. I am happy to have discovered noni fruit.
Name: Maria Alba Sánchez
Country: Venezuela
I am a 39 year old woman, and I have suffered from menstrual cramps all my life. After 4 months of drinking noni juice the symptoms have almost disappeared.
Name: Amanda Flamerich
Country: Venezuela
At first I was skeptical about noni and I only took it because my mother told me it helped with menstrual cramps. After drinking noni for a month I realized it worked as I no longer had pain in my abdomen during my period. Now I drink noni by my own choice; it really works.
Name: Fanny Castro de Vegas
Country: Venezuela
My wife was diagnosed with hypertension, uric acid, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and even with treatment her health did not improve. Then my uncle recommended noni fruit, the bottled juice, and my wife has been drinking the juice for a month and noticing improvement in her health.
Name: Edita Martinez
Country: Venezuela
My husband had hyper-tension and high cholesterol. After drinking noni for one month his health improved.
Name: Felix Tomas Vegas
Country: Venezuela
During a routine check up my triglycerides and cholesterol were high; a friend told me about noni and how it helped her husband. I started drinking noni juice, and after two months I did another check up and everything was normal, and I also lost weight.
Name: Ena Barrera
Country: México
I am writing to give testimony about a loved person very important to me. Three months ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer, the tumor measured 1.6 cm. They could not operate on him, nor give him chemotherapy treatments due to other health problems. Then noni came his way, despite its bad taste. He started to drink noni and today he has consumed about 15 bottles. A week ago he went in for his check-up with the oncologist. When his doctor saw the x-ray he couldn't speak, he was so surprised. The cancer had dissipated, disappeared, was no longer in existence.
Name: Melany Moore
Country: USA
I had shingles and noni really helped me.
Name: Kai Boon Choong
Country: Singapore
I am 58 years old and a diabetic. I have been drinking noni juice for 4 months now and lost about 20 kg. My sugar level has gone down to normal. Noni is fantastic.
Name: Amelia Estrada
Country: Peru
After I started drinking noni I have lost weight and have a reduced appetite.
Name: Nancy Tierra
Country: Ecuador
I have been drinking noni and seen good results. I suffered from constipation and weight problems; both conditions have now improved. I started drinking noni when I weighed 140 pounds and I now weigh 128 lbs. I felt better immediately after starting to drink noni shakes mixed with grape juice. It has also helped me with my insomnia.
Name: Angelica de Lafuente
Country: Chile
This incredible juice arrived in exactly the moment I needed it. I was suffering from high cholesterol, constipation, menopausal disorders, etc. In just one week of drinking noni juice I started to feel relief in my entire body.
Name: Ana Barboza
Country: Costa Rica
My aunt was overweight and in one month lost 9 kilograms drinking one glass of pureed noni with water per day. It tastes bad, but its wonderful and now I am also going to drink it.
Name: Wilson Suarez
Country: Ecuador
It is incredible, it seems to work for everything! I have seen many people improve poor health by using noni and omega 3.
Name: Eduardo Arias Fonsec
Country: Costa Rica
Hello. I am 33 years old at the moment of writing this. I had high levels of triglycerides (up to 1500) and cholesterol (up to 600) for four years now. With only one month of drinking noni juice I have lowered my triglycerides from 645 to 200. I am still surprised by the results. Nowadays I tell all my friends to drink noni juice.
Name: Lisandra Rodriguez
Country: Puerto Rico
I was overweight and decided to start a diet; the noni juice and leaf have been a big help to loose weight.
Name: Yareli Miranda
Country: Mexico
My mom has been diabetic for 13 years but recently complications started, she was always ill, but then started to suffer from high blood pressure, vision problems, cholesterol and a long list of other problems. She consulted many doctors, in Cancun and Veracruz, and tried all the medicines and drugs they told her to use, without positive results. One day a friend told my mom about noni. Since then she is an active woman, no longer stays in bed feeling ill. Greetings to all.
Name: Marisol Villafaña
Country: Dominican Republic
I had no energy and was not feeling well in general; partly because of my extra weight. Someone suggested noni with pineapple, several times a day; it has helped me reduce my weight, and I also know it is helping to boost my immune system.
Name: Norelis Flamerich
Country: Venezuela
After trying to get pregnant for a few years I started drinking noni juice and I am convinced it helped me. Now I am the mother of a beautiful boy.
Name: Sergio Farias
Country: Chile
My experience with noni has been spectacular. Five months before writing this, doctors discovered that my son had Crohn's Disease; this was something that changed our lives as a family since the disease is tremendous. My son began with stomach symptoms of diarrhea with blood, pains, fever, weight loss, acute anemia, and he was in serious condition in the hospital for 3 months; the doctor did not give us much hope since he had lost 30 kilos, and only a single drug could help,
Name: Akua Derek-Hogan
Country: Nigeria
At first I didn't believe that noni juice worked until I decided to give it a try. I had a growth on my back about 3 inches in size. I noticed that on the 3rd day of taking this juice I started to feel a drawing sensation on the same spot. Only for me to truly find out that it has started shrinking. I took noni juice 2ozs daily and have taken it for 2 weeks now only for me to now believe in the power of noni juice as the growth is no longer visible. I can only advise and say: NONI JUICE TRULY WORKS.
Name: Alberto Gutierrez
Country: Costa Rica
For two months I've been drinking noni mixed with water, and chilled. I drink one cup in the morning before breakfast, and another one before dinner. The results: I lost 22 kilos, it is controlling my rhinitis condition (mostly in the rainy season); my overall perfomance in sports and even sex is much better. I recommended noni to a friend and after only one month and half of drinking noni juice she lost 1 kilo. I recommend noni, it is natural, and healthy, and always check the origin of the fruit you buy; if it comes from a plantation treated with pesticides or chemicals it is a bad fruit.
Name: Nubia de Martinez
Country: Venezuela
I had breast cysts that caused me a lot of pain. Someone suggested noni tea, so I started drinking it. After about a week of drinking noni tea I started drinking noni juice and it has helped a lot; discomfort is less and I feel better.
Name: Andrés Gonzalez
Country: Venezuela
I used to be like a zombie, until I found noni, and everything has changed; now I have more strength and energy to keep living.
Name: Amalia de Colmenares
Country: Venezuela
I was operated on twice to remove cysts from my breasts, later I was given a mammogram and 8 cysts were discovered on each breast. I then started to drink noni juice (I have a tree in my yard) and when they performed a second mammogram they found no cysts. Thanks to noni I have not needed another surgergy.
Name: Maribel Velez
Country: Puerto Rico
I had high blood-sugar levels and since I have started taking noni the sugar levels have dropped to 99. Before I started drinking noni my blood-sugar levels were always above 200. My medication dosis has been lowered from two pills to just one a day. Noni has been a success.
Name: Siober Hernández Perdomo
Country: Venezuela
I have been drinking noni for 8 months (at the time of this writing) and a tumor I have had has disappeared. Thanks to my improved immune system I have not suffered from any more colds. Thank you.
Name: Ventura Martinez
Country: Venezuela
I am a 40 year old man, my life was a torment because I was unable to have children and now thanks to noni juice I have my first child; Praise God and the miracle noni fruit.
Name: Silvia Duarte
Country: Argentina
Since I started drinking noni juice, my asthma has almost disappeared. I also think that noni is helping to boost my immune system; I used to get the flu frequently, but now I seldom get it.
Name: Jorge Segura
Country: Mexico
After I started to drink Noni juice I have more energy and less colds.
Name: Elisa Jimenez
Country: México
A friend gave me noni juice as a present. I started drinking it and the first days I felt it was a bit strong for my metabolism, but after 3 days I assimilated noni juice perfectly. I had menstrual cramps 2 weeks before my period, and during. Now thanks to noni juice I have no menstrual cramps. I still cannot believe it. I truly recommend it.
Name: Manuel Bermudez
Country: Puerto Rico
I am 63 years old, and for more than 10 years I've been suffering from severe back pain, and arthritis. I was paying more than 100$ a month in medicine and drugs. When I heard about Noni, I started drinking Noni juice, and after just a few days I started feeling better. I have been drinking Noni juice for more than a year now, and I don't have to use medication and I feel great.
Name: David Roles
Country: Canada
I am about 16 and have cystic fibrosis. I get sick very often because of my low immune system and low enery and it is hard to eat. My mom has been taking noni for a long time and I never realy believed in it. but I decided to give it a try after my 7th stay in the hospital. I started with a few ounces a day and now drink almost a bottle a week. My appetite has increased 50 times..I have gained alot more weight my strength and muscles are much better and I'm just happy! Its only been 2 weeks I'm going to do the 3 month challenge and see results. Already in 2 weeks I have more results than 5 years of i.v. and medication from doctors, Noni is the best!
Name: Cruz Crespo
Country: Venezuela
I am diabetic, and drink Noni juice. My sugar levels are within acceptable leves, and I was also able to beat a cronic insomnia. Noni juice also helped with my sexual life. I really recommend Noni juice as a dietary supplement.
Name: Martina Ramos Cedeño
Country: Venezuela
I am, at the moment of this writing, 74 years old. I had surgery on my knees because of osteoporosis. Thanks to natural noni juice, I was able to regain my mobility in a short period of time; the most amazing thing, the post-surgery inflamation and trauma were quickly gone. It also helped with my blood pressure. Noni is a marvelous fruit.
Name: Rosalba Antico
Country: Venezuela
I had my first child at 26. I consumed noni during the 9 months of pregnancy; thanks to noni I was able to eliminate a uterine fibroid, near the baby. The pregnancy was perfect, I didn't suffer from high blood pressure, I had regular sleep and had a natural labor without pain; my baby was born healthy. I am sure noni helped. I recommend noni juice.
Name: Patricio Martinez
Country: Ecuador
Two years ago I had a hemorrhoid operation, but my recovery was very slow and I still suffered, but since I have started drinking noni I have seen noticeable improvement in my pain. Noni is a miracle fruit. I recommend that you drink noni juice.
Name: Jesus Díaz
Country: Venezuela
I have been working with Noni for 5 years. It is impressive the patients I have been able to help by recommending noni juice to them. I also drink noni.
Name: Ana Ruiz
Country: Venezuela
I have a Noni plant in my house, so I prepare my own noni juice, with strawberry, blueberry and pineapple (diuretic); I use the leaves to make tea and it has a soothing effect, but it also gives me a lot of energy. The juice is a healing agent. I would like to share some photos of my plant. A curious thing is that once it grew a noni fruit in the shape of the head of Mickey Mouse.
Name: Patricia Bersusky
Country: Estados Unidos
Two years ago I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis and fibromyalgia after spending a long time bedridden, suffering pain, lack of energy, and depression due to finding no solution to my problem. Relief only came with some medication, then I started to drink noni juice, and after 10 days I felt energized and my pain started to diminish. Now my husband also drinks noni religously with me and we have noticed positive changes. I advise everyone who reads this to drink noni as it can help improve your quality of life.
Name: Bertha Chávez
Country: Perú
I suffer from Arthritis. I had constant pain, and it didn't let me sleep well. I had muscle pains and extreme fatigue. Because of the use of drugs I had stomach problems. Since I started using Noni, I stopped using drugs and my way of life is much better. I still have problems, but the situation is not as bad as it was.
Name: Luis Maria del Franco
Country: Panama
For a very long time I have suffered from stomach problems such as gastritis and an ulcer to the point that I had to use medication to relieve my suffering. I have been drinking Noni for approximately 6 months and it has helped me immensely by calming my stomach. Now I no longer need to take medication to be able to eat certain foods that previously my stomach would not tolerate.
Name: Sam Sta.maría
Country: Panamá
I was told that tea made from Noni leaf helps with weight loss, so I began to drink it without knowing that it would also help with my constipation and bleeding problems. Its been two weeks since I've been able to use the bathroom in the mornings and at night when before I was unable to go at all during the day. Thanks to Noni.
Name: Cesar Ramos-Cedeño
Country: Venezuela
I started to prepare Quick Relief Natural Juice myself after I was introduced to Noni in Paria Penisula, Venezuela. The results have been astonishing. I overcame chronic insomnia, lowered my blood-sugar levels, and my wife has even become pregnant and I am expecting my first child at 43 years of age. All thanks to Noni. As a scientist and personal witness to the powers of Noni I strongly recommend it. My family has already felt the benefits of this incredible plant found on the Caribbean coast and the Paria Gulf of Venezuela.
Name: Dr. Santos Golvi Rodríguez Legrá.
Country: Cuba
We do not have clinical experience regarding the use of this fruit, but some of our patients frequently comment on its effects on their state of health. Currently I am researching this topic because I would like to start using noni to try to heal large infected or non-infected wounds.
Name: Felipe Escobar
Country: Ecuador
Noni Juice made me feel well. It helped with my colon, and I am on my way to recovery.
Country: Colombia
I am an 81 year old woman. I buy Noni fruit and prepare it, and my son has noticed that I have more energy and my face looks a lot better for my age. My son did not like Noni because of its bitter taste, but he started using it after seeing the positive results.
Name: Oscar Bacallao
Country: Cuba
I have had prostate cancer since 1998. Not long ago (6 months ago) I started drinking Noni Juice and the changes are surprising. Tumors have been reduced, I no longer have bleeding problems, and the pain has gone. I truly recommend to all to drink Noni Juice.
Name: Freank Toneca
Country: Holland
I have been using Noni juice for almost 10 weeks now since I am a Diabetic and injecting Insulin to contol this illness. After a few weeks I needed less Insulin and now after 8 weeks I am using 30 units less daily. For almost 10 years I have had some infections on my feet which are gone now and overall I feel I have a lot more energy and will go on using NONI-JUICE.
Name: Carlos Ochoa
Country: Argentina
I used Noni products for my diabetes with great results. I think Noni is great.
Name: Leyla Barnett
Country: Panama
I use Noni for my blood pressure, and it works for me.